製品: Reverse flame wood boiler (boiler shell with wood chamber on upper part and tubes nest on lower part, including 16 turbulators for heat holding inside the tubes nest)
モデル・ブランド名: CLG 30, D’Alessandro Termomeccanica (Italian brand)
使用年数: 3シーズン (winter 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)
- Dimensions: Please refer to the product link above
- Output power : 34.9 KW
- Nominal power to water : 30 KW
- Efficiency : >85%
- Wood chamber : 90L (approximately 30kg of soft wood/40kg of hard wood)
- Wood length : 38 cm < X < 40 cm
- Chimney diameter : 200 mm
- Voltage : 230 V
- Smoke fan for forced aspiration during working phase and reloading phase
- Air fan for wood logs combustion
- Primary air valve and secondary air valve regulated manually
- Copper heat exchanger for heat dissipation controlled by thermostatic valve
- Electric control board (regulation) with manual ignition
- Volume of hydroaccumulation recommended : 1,500 liters
600,000円 (税込) + 送料実費(取りに来ていただける場合は発生しません)
ーLoading valve set on 61℃ : 20,000円
ーPump Evenes 60/25 (Voltage : 230V) : 40,000円
ーExpansion vessel NG 50 (50 liters) : 30,000円
ーAir valve : 5,000円
ーPressure safety valve set on 3 bar : 5,000円